AHSEP's Mission
AHSEP aims to introduce children (and adults) to sailing using small boats, teach basic seamanship, advance interested students into intermediate sailing principles and racing techniques, and allow students to participate in local, regional, and national regattas.
Our program is taught by US Sailing certified instructors using US Sailing's proven techniques.
AHSEP's Leadership
AHSEP is a volunteer-run, non-profit organization. Our Committee works to provide a best-in-class sailing experience to young sailors. The 2025 AHSEP Committee/ Sub-committee heads:
Co-Chair: Erika Graiff
Co-Chair: Christopher Stone
Treasurer: Frank Allsman
Administrative Support: Diana Burton
Program/Class Sub-Committee: Cheryl Bucci
Communication/Advertisement/ New Initiatives Sub-Committee: Erika Graiff/ Linda Peng- Grooters
Equipment & Supplies Sub-Committee: Allan Forrest
Fleet Maintenance/Equipment: Doug Santo
Fleet Maintenance/Inventory: Daniel Kenna
Regatta & Race Sub-Committee: Jeremy Herman
Location & Facilities Sub-Committee: Christopher Stone
Sailing Education/Celebration: Barbara Neves
Members: Gillian Forrest, Meredith Gee
*Committee heads are determined each year at our January Organizational Meeting.
AHSEP's Board of Trustees
As a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, AHSEP has an elected Board of Trustees that serves in an advisory and oversight capacity to ensure AHSEP stays on its mission.
The 2025 Board of Trustees:
Jack Glass
Claudia Lucey
Diana Burton
Frank Allsman
Christopher Stone
Jose Pujols
Kate Goushy
Linda Peng-Grooters
Allan Forrest
*Board members are (re) elected each year at our January Organizational Meeting.
Our Fleet

The Optimist is a small, single-handed sailing dinghy intended for use by children up to the age of 15.

The 420 is an established worldwide performance two person trapeze and spinnaker racing dinghy. This popular dinghy is sailed at school, club, open, national and international levels.

The Laser is one of the most popular single-handed dinghies in the world. The dinghy is sailed by more experienced sailors as Laser sailing and racing presents a unique set of physical and skill-based challenges. Fast Laser sailing requires an advanced level of fitness in order to endure the straight legged hiking and body-torque techniques essential in getting upwind and reaching quickly. AHSEP owns several lasers and the fleet is growing each year.

The Sunfish combines easy rigging and manageability for a comfortable and hassle free sailing experience. This is the sailboat loved by all. Designed in 1952, the Sunfish sailboat is still a favorite with all ages. With the easy to control and rig triangular lateen sail, the Sunfish is the easiest boat to access the joy of sailing. Find these small sailboats on lakes and bays all over the country in addition to racing fleets all over the world.